Birnam Orchards
If you thought there were only red and green apples, think again! At Birnam Orchards we grow over 20 varieties of apples, each of which have their own distinct flavour and texture. We currently farm approximately 140 acres of apple trees, and are still planting more. Varieties differ throughout the harvesting season, so we always offer different types for you to enjoy.
As a wild fruit since prehistoric eras, apple farming has taken place around the globe for more than 3,000 years. Thousands of varieties are grown in virtually every corner of the world. New varieties can arise through experimental crossing of two or more different types of apples, but this is rare and is usually attributed to luck. Birnam Orchards hosts a one acre "trial block" of apples in which we test out new varieties every few years.

​Apples must be handled with extreme care, as they can bruise very easily. Remember that most apples (unless otherwise stated) are best stored in a cool space away from direct heat or sunlight. Certain varieties, when stored in a refrigerator crisper, will keep their crunch for up to six weeks. Store apples separately from other fruits and vegetables, as they can give off an ethylene gas that speeds up the ripening process. To prevent your sliced apples from browning, sprinkle them with lemon juice.​
Apple Facts
When baking, replace oil with apple sauce to cut calories and enjoy the same great taste.
Ontario farmers alone harvest approximately 10 million bushels of apples each year, which is equivalent to 12.5 pounds for each Canadian to enjoy.
To produce one apple, a tree must use energy from 50 leaves.
An apple tree must grow for approximately four or five years before it produces fruit.
Apples are 80-85% water.
The skin of an apple contains more antioxidants and more fiber than the flesh.